That wise little saying was on a plaque that once hung from a wall in our house. I don't know where that plaque ended up, but I do remember the saying. There is so much truth in it.
Recently, Art and I camped at Amnicon Falls State Park in northern Wisconsin. It was going to be just a pretty place to overnight, with a quick walk to the falls in the morning before heading to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. But it turned out to be my favorite we-weren't-expecting-this stop on our trip. So far. ;-D
The campsites were all wooded and pretty, and the falls themselves were delightful. But what really surprised us was the "Geology Walk" along parts of the Amnicon River. Folks who know us, and especially those who have camped with us, know that I enjoy a bit of geology now and then, and that Art has more than a passing interest in it. So it was with some enthusiasm that we started out on this little stroll.
The walk itself was so lovely...along the banks of the Amnicon River and then through a small wooded island in the park, created by two forks of the river. It didn't hurt (it never does!) that we saw very few other people on the trail. Ah, solitude and tranquility.
The little trail guide that was given to us was exceptionally well written, filled with good clear information about the geology of the area (it's always interesting to us to understand why an area looks like it does). But just as importantly, it was filled with a sense of wonder, a sense of wonder about nature that we all too often lose as we get older. Perhaps we don't lose it, we simply misplace it. We get older and busier and distracted with the everyday demands of living and we simply forget that a waterfall is more than just water or that a flock of geese flying overhead is not just a bunch of birds or that a riverbank made of basalt from an ancient lava flow is more than just rocks. Art and I tip our respective hats to the author of that trail guide...anyone who can get excited about glacial striations and fault planes and get other folks excited about them, too, is A-OK in our book.
We would have enjoyed these pretty little falls regardless, but what we learned about the area and how that information was conveyed to us really enhanced our enjoyment of this little gem of a park.
It just goes to show you...blessed are those who have no expectations, for they shall not be disappointed.
Day 40
Total miles: 4,133
1 comment:
Travel is about discovery.
You have seen and learned so much in such a short time and you have completed only a third of the trip.
Hope your brains don't blowup from the overload.
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